Board Survey Reminder & RSE Curriculum

18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037

REMINDER – School & Home Communication Survey

The deadline for completion of the School Board’s survey is next Monday 13 May.  Please click the link below to participate in the anonymous survey:   

Friday 10 May 2024

Dear Parents / Caregivers

RSE programme – Relationships and Sexuality Education Programme

This whole-school programme begins in 2 weeks on Friday 24 May. Next week, each class teacher will send parents/caregivers links to the teaching plan for each lesson, detailing content to be covered.

Points to note:

  • This topic is part of the NZ Health curriculum
  • All lessons will be on a Friday from 12–12.40 pm (see below for lesson dates and themes)
  • Our hope is that, from this programme, parents will have conversations with their own children and discuss the values and beliefs which they hold to be true in their family.  We encourage families to do this after each lesson.
  • This is a programme where, if parents wish to withdraw their child from a lesson, they may do so. Your chilld’s class teacher will advse the process for this next week. An alternative health-themed lesson will be taken with any children not undertaking the RSE lesson.

Book Character Day, Wednesday 15 May

Come dressed as your favourite book character!

Community Notices

Enrol for Goodtime Music Lessons at Rewa Rewa School

Get ready to ignite your child’s musical passion! Goodtime Music Academy teaches at Rewa Rewa School and is offering award-winning, in-school music lessons, freeing up after school school. Dive into the world of music within a vibrant group setting with the following instruments offered: drums, guitar, keyboard, ukulele or our ‘Intro to Music’ course. The excitement doesn’t stop there though – your child will have the chance to shine in our thrilling concerts.

Click here for enrolments and enquiries or call 04 568 2237. Spaces are limited, so be quick! 

The FREE KiwiSchools Connect app for Rewa Rewa School is available in both the App and Play Store.  Download it now to access all the features of our website via your mobile device.

Scan the QR code below to download:

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 15 – Thursday 23 May

Tuesday 21 May                 5.30pm

Tuesday 18 June                5.30pm

Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service Onsite

Board Meeting

Board Meeting

2024 Term Dates

Term 1

Thursday 01 February—Friday 12 April

Tuesday 06 February—Waitangi Day, School Closed

Friday 29 March—Good Friday, School Closed

Monday 01 April—Easter Monday, School Closed

Tuesday 02 April—Easter School Holiday

Term 2

Monday 29 April – Friday 05 July

Monday 03 June—King’s Birthday, School Closed

Tuesday 04 June—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

Friday 28 June—Matariki, School Closed

Term 3

Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September

Term 4

Monday 14 October – Tuesday 17 December (School closes at 1pm)

Monday 28 October—Labour Day, School Closed

Tuesday 29 October—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

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Call us on 04 939 0186
18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037