
Learning For Life Together

At Rewa Rewa School every child has access to opportunities designed to enhance their learning pathways and develop their learner agency. An integrated approach to learning is promoted through all curriculum areas.  This includes the Key Competencies; Relating to Others, Participating and Contributing, Managing Self, Thinking, Using Language, Symbols and Text.

In the Early Years reading, writing, speaking and listening are valuable life skills that help our students to make sense of their world. Students are supported through both independent and collaborative play. This play is underpinned by provocations set around student interests that are identified through teacher observation.

As students progress into the middle and senior area of the school they are encouraged to be active learners by identifying what they do well and heir next learning steps. A strong focus on communication skills, such as taking turns, active listening and effective questioning are emphasised.

Learning culture skills are promoted through the use of Bronze, Silver and Gold learning levels that promote and develop learner agency.

Children are encouraged to consider the needs of others in their everyday interactions with children and staff using our RIDE values.



Our Culture & Values



​Our students develop a strong sense of self and community using Rewa Rewa School’s R.I.D.E. values which are taught whilst at our school.  In our school our students are taught to be kind towards each other and to be proactive with helping each other.

Our values also include the capabilities of being innovative, having a curious mind, and aiming for excellence. Together these values enable our students to make good choices and use actions that can add value to their own learning and to those around them.

There are many daily opportunities where you will see these dispositions in action.

Click here to read the government’s “Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together”