Newsletter 11, Term 4 Week 6 2023

18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037

Newsletter 11, Term 4 Week 6

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Change of 2024 Start Date

Our 2 Teacher Only Days during term-time in 2024 have been confirmed by the Ministry of Education for inclusion within the days school is required to be open.  Therefore, school will start on Thursday 01 February 2024, rather than the Tuesday that week.

Tena koutou katoa

Firstly, a special message to all those within our kura who have whanau in areas of the world affected by war at this time. You are very much in our thoughts during this time of great stress and sadness.

A letter from the school board is being sent home with every student today – please check your child’s schoolbag for this. As many of you are aware, lack of access to all of our existing classroom learning spaces means we do not have enough space to meet our current or forecasted roll demands. Your school board is dedicated to working hard with the Ministry to find the best solution. In chatting with senior students recently, they strongly voiced the need for more space in their classroom, but were also against losing the only grass field on the lower playground to temporary modules, if this option was chosen. Please read the letter from the board and let them know your thoughts on this matter by emailing (Board Presiding Member).  Collectively, as a united voice, our community has the power to send the Ministry of Education a strong message.

Each Wednesday from 2.30-3pm, we invite whanau to pop into the staffroom to build connections with other parents and grandparents over a cup of tea/coffee from our school community. Sue, our lovely LSC coordinator will be there to chat and help with any queries that you may have.

Celebrating Us

On Wednesday 29 November at 5.30pm we would love every family to join with us for an end of term celebration. We invite children and adults to come along dressed in your national dress (or something that represents what is special about your culture), to bring kai/food to share which reminds you of your homeland and to enjoy finding out what your children have been learning about in class – i.e. the importance of everyone’s unique culture. We are truly blessed at our school to have such a diverse, and harmonious community. 

Student Successes

Today we celebrate the academic and sporting achievements of current and past students. Clara, a current student at Rewa Rewa, recently achieved 1st place in the under-13s girls doubles at her Wellington North Badminton club junior championships. That’s an awesome achievement Clara!

Another outstanding achievement which has come to our notice is that of three of our past students achieving the top three academic honours at the 2023 Newlands College prizegiving ceremony. Our HUGE congratulations to Thomas Ru (Dux), Esther Leo and Ella Pan (Runners-up), We are so proud of you and know you richly deserve your success! Rewa Rewa School certainly does prepare our students well for their future.

RRS past students: 2023 Newlands College Dux and Runners-up – HAT TRICK!

RRS Athletics Team

Our team of senior athletes worked really hard to compete in the Northern Zones athletics meet at Newtown Park recently. Our congratulations to Indie, Clara, Yahia, Tānara, Izak, Jahrell, Brennan, Bella, Oscar, Hirusha, Brooklyn, Curtis and Freddie for representing our school. Izak will be going on to represent our school in vortex at the InterZones meet later in November. Our huge thanks to Ian Svela, as well as parents who helped us to transport the team to this event.

Bike Track Working Bee

A great crew of parents and ‘friends of the school’ turned up to help with shovelling dirt, painting the storage container and concreting the water fountain area, as well as general gardening around the school. We are nearly there! We just need a few more truckloads of soil around the bike track and another working bee, then it will be ready to go. If you have any contacts for painting signage on the concrete, garden landscaping or cheap timber (for making the obstacles), please email to let us know. Thank you to those who dropped off morning and afternoon treats – much appreciated. Our huge thanks to Lynnda Bouzaid, our fabulous volunteer school gardener – for every one weed I pulled, she pulled out four.  Such amazing energy and dedication!!!

Scholastic Book Fair

Thank you to everyone who supported our annual Scholastic Book Fair last week by purchasing books and trinkets. We use this fundraiser as a way of building our own library collection with the latest top-quality books. Some of our families were very generous and also sponsored other students to buy their own special book – the looks on those children’s faces were priceless. We managed to raise $400 to spend on our library. A huge thanks to Claire Hermann, our amazing librarian, for promoting the book fair and working many extra hours to run this event at our school.

We welcome Nhan and his family to Rewa Rewa School.  We hope you enjoy learning with us!

Community Notices

Enrol for Goodtime Music Lessons at Rewa Rewa School

Get ready to ignite your child’s musical passion! Goodtime Music Academy teaches at Rewa Rewa School and is offering award-winning, in-school music lessons, freeing up after school school. Dive into the world of music within a vibrant group setting with the following instruments offered: drums, guitar, keyboard, ukulele or our ‘Intro to Music’ course. The excitement doesn’t stop there though – your child will have the chance to shine in our thrilling concerts.

Click here for enrolments and enquiries or call 04 568 2237. Spaces are limited, so be quick! 

The FREE KiwiSchools Connect app for Rewa Rewa School is available in both the App and Play Store.  Download it now to access all the features of our website via your mobile device.

Scan the QR code below to download:

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 29 November          5.30pm

School Celebration Evening

2023 Term Dates

Term 1

Tuesday 31 January—Thursday 06 April

Monday 06 February – Waitangi Day Observed, School Closed

Friday 07 April—Good Friday, School Closed

Term 2

Wednesday 26 April – Friday 30 June

Monday 24 April – Teacher Only Day, School Closed

Tuesday 25 April—ANZAC Day, School Closed

Friday 02 June—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

Monday 05 June—King’s Birthday, School Closed

Term 3

Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September

Term 4

Monday 09 October – Friday 15 December (School closes at 1pm on the last day)

 Monday 23 October—Labour Day, School Closed

Tuesday 24 October – Teacher Only Day, School Closed


2024 Term Dates

Term 1

Thursday 01 February—Friday 12 April

Monday 06 February—Waitangi Day, School Closed

Friday 29 March—Good Friday, School Closed

Monday 01 April—Easter Monday, School Closed

Tuesday 02 April—Easter School Holiday

Term 2

Monday 29 April – Friday 05 July

Monday 03 June—King’s Birthday, School Closed

Tuesday 04 June—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

Friday 28 June—Matariki, School Closed

Term 3

Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September

Term 4

Monday 14 October – Tuesday 17 December (School closes at 1pm)

Monday 28 October—Labour Day, School Closed

Tuesday 29 October—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

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18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037