Rewa Rewa School COVID-19 Update #1 2021


18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037

COVID-19 Update #1

Sunday 14 February 2021

Dear Parents & Caregivers

COVID-19 Level 2 – School is Open to Staff & Students Only

As you have probably heard, Wellington moves to Level 2 as from 11.59pm tonight.  This means that school will be open tomorrow, but ONLY staff and students may be onsite.  Last year our students managed this with confidence and we expect that, once again, they will take this in their stride.

Drop-offs & Pick-ups

Many of our students already bring themselves into school from the footpath, but for those who usually accompany their child across the playground and/or into class, we noticed the following strategies worked well for families last time:

  • Small friend groups of 2-4 children meet at the footpath and come into school together
  • For tomorrow, staff members will be at the gate leading into school via the quad from 8-9am to assist our juniors to get to class

At the end of the day, where possible, students who are met by their parents should do so outside the school gate. Not everyone will be able to meet at the letterbox – it may be useful to wait in a line along our fenceline going up Padnell Crescent. Remember, you are required to remain 2m apart, including from school traffic patrollers and others.   Tomorrow, some junior school parents may feel a need to come into the school quad to collect their child. For these parents, you will need to line up 2m apart in the playground, outside your child’s classroom door. You must sign in on the Contact Tracing Register when you get to the front of the queue, use hand sanitiser and your child will then be brought out to you. No one is to stay in the school grounds to play.

We understand that changing levels may cause feelings of concern or anxiety to our new parents.  Last year our community managed this process really well. The best thing you can do for your child is to make sure that you keep very calm – chat with them about what drop-off and pick-up will look like tomorrow and reassure them that everything else will remain the same at school – classrooms, teachers, playtime, morning tea and lunch.  They can still play together with their friends. Hand sanitiser will be at the entrance to each classroom and staff and students will use this each time they enter the classroom.  A register is kept of all those within each classroom.

After School Care

At this point in time, After School Care will still be open.  However, if we are directed to close, this may be advised at short notice.  When you are collecting your child please proceed to the hall and wait outside, remaining 2m apart from other parents.  When you are at the front of the queue, sign the Contact Tracing Register, use sanitiser and then your child will be released to you.

Onsite Visitors

If you need to contact the Office or Principal, we ask that you please telephone (04 939 0186), or email ( or, in the first instance.  Any visitors to the school are required to enter via the Office front door, use hand sanitiser and sign the Contact Tracing Register (regardless of whether you have scanned the QR code or not).  Visitors must remain 2m apart from others at all times.  You will not be permitted access to any classroom areas.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.  It is important that we all work together to keep everyone safe.

Nga mihi

Jan Otene     Mark Williams

Principal        Board of Trustees Chair

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18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037